Privacy Policy
What I do with your info
This kind of stuff can be pretty dry, so I’ll keep it as straightforward as I can.
Your browser uses a text file to record particular settings that are relevant to the websites you look at. This is called a cookie (very un-delicious and doesn’t dunk well in a cup of tea). I use cookies with Google Analytics so that I can get an idea of how many people visit my website and what pages they look at the most. You’re on my site now (hello!), so Google Analytics will tell me that you came by and that you stumbled upon this page, but that’s all the information I’ll get. I don’t collect any personally identifiable data so I’ll never know it’s you (unless you tell me).
Personal Information
Sometimes, I will need to collect some details from you. Specifically, when you’re filling out my contact form. I only ask for enough for me to be able to get in touch with you - just your name and email address. I’ll only ever use this information to contact you. Don’t worry, I won’t be selling your details, trading or sharing business. Scout’s honour.
Data Processing
If we email each other, I’ll be using Google Workspace. My website (created with Wix), uses HTTPS/SSL security.
If you have any questions about this privacy policy, sling me an email: